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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monogram Designs

thanks to fozzy, w@wie member, who designed these pretty monograms for us. she also did most of the pretty monograms of almost all w@wie members, for free. what a good heart!

she made three for us and i can't choose because it's all pretty (gawd, how many times have i mentioned the word "pretty"? hehe)

anyway, i am posting so you can help us choose. mario and i have different favorites :( whichever design has the most number of votes will be declared the winner hehe. will be using for thankyou2 chuva, souvenirs (if we have one :p) and other kaartehan that i can think of LOL.

mario likes number 1 while yvonne likes number 2. so how?

0 blow kisses...:

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