*** welcome to our happy new life together! ***

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Confession of a Chocoholic

i am yvonne and i am a chocoholic! :D

that partly explains why i easily suffer from tonsillitis (aside from being stubborn :p)

i am just happy to share that my addiction will play a major role in our wedding reception. we will be having a chocolate/candy bar for our guests!!! HA! i can't wait!

the bar will look something like this...

yellow candies, yellow jellybeans, hershey's kisses and perhaps will add some locally made chocos like those from goya's or nestle's. (those egg-like chocos were my favorite when i was a kid :D )

these sweets will be kept in something like this...

oh yes, definitely our Love is Sweet! aaawww =)

but, but each guest will be initially given a pretty mini jar full of... whatelse??? still chocolates!!!

ain't it the sweetest act from the couple? LOL :p

* pics from one of my inspiration weddings.

0 blow kisses...:

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