Some Changes.
after much discussion and careful consideration of some important details, we have decided to hold the wedding ceremony early in the morning. we are thinking of 6AM!
Moyo and I are very much excited to wake up as early as 2AM for the preparation and so as our coordinator. she even confirmed the availability of all the suppliers (in their behalf) after i finalized with her that we are changing the time. i love her! *wink*
now, we are looking for another church because St. Joseph does not accept a 6AM wedding ceremony (actually, most church does not).
when i went home last weekend, my mother and i checked this church in mactan airbase. when i saw it, i got that "this is it!" feeling. it is something similar to the Archbishop's chapel (which is my dream church). it is small and very intimate. the surrounding itself is very quiet and looks peaceful (i bet it is, with all the military-uniformed men staying at the gate *grin*).
anyway, we are still waiting for some updates if the parish priest will allow. we are crossing our fingers and toes for its approval. please pray for us!
0 blow kisses...:
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