*** welcome to our happy new life together! ***

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Short Visit to Bernardo

last weekend, i had a very short/emergency vacation in Cebu. it was just over the weekend because i need to bring my little brother home since the sister did not push through with her trip to SG.

anyway, i never intended to use my time for any wedding preparations because i wanted to spend some time with my lola, who is in the hospital. but after much thinking, i realized i needed to meet Bernardo for my gown measurement because come September we will be home again for some serious preps. (yes, i have finally finally confirmed my gown design but i won't tell you which one para thrilling kunuhay haha.)

it was such a last minute decision but glad that Tisha was able to arrange it.

the short visit was successful! Bernardo got my measurement and we finalized the contract. we scheduled the first fitting this September and Moyo's measurement. we also scheduled our trial make up, just in time for our prenuptial photoshoot with Charles.

i can't wait!

0 blow kisses...:

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