*** welcome to our happy new life together! ***

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Counting Days...

around this time, everyone in the Philippines is on vacation or at least on vacation mode. i am sooo jealous because by now, they are enjoying the one week holiday/ long weekend. of course, our suppliers are not exempted. i am pretty sure they are also having the time of their lives and really really making the most of the not so busy week to relax and enjoy. so for the meantime, no updates yet for our wedding preps. next week will be a busy one :D

so why the title? because because i am excited to announce that my hubby-to-be is finally coming to Singapore!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh! the date is final and no turning back. this will be another adventure for both of us. so here's our plan...

his first week - apply, apply, apply and interview, interview, interview
his second week - relax and wait for his EP approval :D
this third week - start working and impress the boss
on the following weeks - save, save, save to increase our millions (hehe!) and to buy our new nicky :D
come December - get married and live happily ever after *biggest grin ever*

yes, i am very confident that he will get a job in a week's time :D (Law of Attraction on the go!)

see you soon MoyoJojo! hehehe =)

0 blow kisses...:

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