*** welcome to our happy new life together! ***

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The BIG Day!

oh yeah, we are tying the knot!

it was not even serious at first. we were just discussing it out of boredom i think. we were sharing our dream wedding to each other when we are not yet even lovers part 2 and yes, we both have thought of the details too. funny!

so there, we already have a date! tantadannnn...it will be on December 30, 2009! this of course with our parents' blessings last December 24, 2008 ( story will be in another post). i know, we still have a long way to go and many events will surely take place in the months to come. but there's no turning back. this is it, this is really is it!

why the date?because September 30 is too near, which is our anniversary and i personally don't want to feel all panicky with the preparation. the date is also in time of our annual vacation so our expected guests could attend.in short, i want a year preparation for our big day *grin*. honestly, i insisted on the September 30 date but was convinced by Moyo that December is better.

i am happy and he is happy!we both can't wait. 9 months to go!weeeeeeee :)

0 blow kisses...:

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